Tuesday, 4 June 2013

PomPoms out in the Sunshine

These are some photos of the PomPoms taken in-situ on Sunday by Alan McCredie.  They look amazing in the sunshine.  We have now hung all the PomPoms, excluding the three packages which arrived this morning (thank you for those) and many, many people are enjoying wandering through the village, trying to spot all the PomPoms and read the labels they can reach.  All over, people are talking about the PomPoms, which is amazing.  Thank you all the PomPom makers, especially those who will not be able to visit them due to distance.  The residents of Balfron (and visitors) really appreciate them.



  1. They look great I just wish they were hanging where i live! I hope one of those packages was from the RBC policy crafty girls, we were a bit late with our final poms!

  2. PomPoms arrived today and I'll hopefully put them up tomorrow. Thank you so much for sending them.
